isn’t the scariest thing being alone?

when i stumble through the dark, i fear the paralysis, the lonely self personified

tall slender pale figure but if i was to see such an entity, if i was to meet one, would i not no longer be alone?

thus, what do i fear? is it an empty world? heat death of the universe, nothing, white space? apocalypse run over the land, last human alive?

but a solipsist in a world with no humans makes no difference

so then the truest fear is that nobody else is real! you’re all robots! truman show! i see you but empty eyes stare back! puppets, frauds!

one horror cliche that used to scare me a lot was faceless people

to wake up to a seemingly same world, with that one small, almost unnoticable difference



“great weather today!”


“i feel alone. do you understand me when i cannot even understand myself? i feel condemmed. we are each condemmed. an AT field seperates each agent. i will never reach you. we are limited by mechs of blood and flesh and language and words and the laws of thermodynamics. i am a consciousness. i will never be able to glimpse another consciousness.”


the solipsist is kinda stupid. what does it matter whether Others are real?

You are real. Others are fake.

You are real. Others are real.

You are fake. Others are fake.

You are fake. Others are real.

you’re a boltzman brain. you’re doomed to be in a lightless box forever. everyone is the same and we should work for common good. man is an evolutionary mistake. man is god’s gift. you are the chosen one. you are atoms, random. you will forever be an outsider. you are inherently flawed. you are the only flawless one. you are the only one.


You’re matter. You’re life. Affirm! Deny!

We must hope to not be hopeless. But we must also never hope to only have hope.